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Irish Facebook users and traditional musicians were mentally preparing themselves today in anticipation of a deluge of post-Fleadh themed updates and dreaded narcassistic self portraits otherwise known as 'selfies'.

This wave of Facebook usage is common after large, popular events such as parties, weekends away, festivals, etc. and with the Fleadh only having finished a day ago, the country's largest 'traditional music' themed festival is no exception.

Last year's festival in Derry saw a decrease in the number of updates as the PSNI used a 'Radio Wave Scrambler' to combat people uploading to the website but this year is expected to see a huge leap in the number annoying statuses being submitted.

Some of the most popular ones contain a combination of lonesomeness, angst, teenage jargon, references to future meetings and 'XO' code, for example: "OMG!!! Can't believe it's all overrrr! Best Fleadh EVER! Big shout out to my besties! You girlos are totes amazing! Gonna miss you soooooo much! Can't wait until next year! XOXOXOXOXO".

These statuses are quite often accompanied by photographs, often 'selfies' of musicians taken in cars leaving the festival. Photos can also include musicians standing up playing, large crowds not listening to music and an endless sea of children playing music in the biggest session you've ever seen.

Authorities are already on alert for potential injuries after two men died after the Fleadh in Cavan in 2012: one while trying to take a selfie when he dropped his iPhone into his mouth and choked to death and the other after he was suffocated mentally by thousands of Facebook Fleadh statuses and died from a combination of anger and disbelief.


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