A local musician is becoming anxious as he desperately waits to be nominated for the 'Tune-Challenge' so he can finally 'show what he can do'.
The man, who seems to have missed the point of the challenge completely, is currently into his third sleepless night as awaits the nomination to upload a recording of his playing for charity.
The 'Tune-Challenge', which was started by Tommy McCarthy to raise money for the charity 'Walk in My Shoes', has since taken off on social media however the local man sees it more as an opportunity for him to prove his doubters wrong.
"This is exactly what I've been waiting for! No-one has ever rated me but now when I get nominated I'll finally be able to prove them wrong! I was nominated for the ice-bucket challenge but didn't bother with it. Sure who wants to get cold and wet?"
"I've been up the last 3 nights just waiting to be nominated. It's only a matter of time before my big-break arrives! I heard you have to give money or something but €2 seems like a lot. I guess I'll be able to afford it when the gigs start rollin' in!"
It's reported that the man is a bit of an enigma, rarely attending local sessions and when he does, manages to piss everyone else off. He's also told The Drone that he has started to hallucinate due to lack of sleep. He has reported being visited by the ghost of Joe Cooley who proceded to tell the man how much better he is on the box than he ever was.
"I swear Joe Cooley said that. He told me he was nowhere near as good as me. He'd never lie! Although I've also seen Joe Burke atop a horse with an accordion shaped head...It's not long now 'til the nomination!"
It's reported that the man has still not been nominated and was last seen hiding in the bushes outside a house in Ballinasloe.
Support vulnerable young adults in Ireland with mental health difficulties. Text Shoes to 57802 to donate €2; outside of Ireland, log onto www.walkinmyshoes.ie and make a donation to support awareness and services for mental health.