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A recent study has found that uilleann pipers moods are inherently connected to the toughness of their reeds, bringing to an end the age old discussion on their 'yo-yo' like moods.

The study conducted by the Traditional Research Association, Dublin, took place over the course of two years with a number of uilleann pipers volunteering to have transmitters placed on their reeds and their brains, yielding insightful results.

Uilleann pipers reeds can be notoriously difficult to control which in turn has caused the pipers to act the same, sometimes resulting in burst bags and bellows. Research leader Thaddeus O'Luanaigh, has welcomed the findings.

"We've always suspected really. The reeds can react to the smallest change in atmosphere. Humidity, temperature, bad vibes, they all can affect the playability of the pipes. Now we know why pipers can be so unpredictable."

"The nodes we placed on the reeds fed back matching information as the ones placed on the pipers' brains. This confirmed it once and for all. Now all we have to do is find out a way of coping with them!"

The team has advised people to be cautious around the pipers as all of the factors mentioned could have a detrimental effect on their mental stability. Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport Mary Hanafin has announced plans to deal with the issue.

"We've come to an agreement to erect new signs in places where the is a known piper presence. This is a safety concern we take very seriously and I would inform all people not to anger the pipers and play as many piping tunes as possible within sessions."


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