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A classical violinist has been passing herself off as an oul lad who plays fiddle for years and in the process, fooling the entire traditional Irish music community, her parents told The Drone today.

Jiminy Billy-Bob O'Reilly has been a leading oul lad on traditional Irish fiddle for years and has become a respected exponant and passer-on of the music, receiving countless awards and recognition. But it has come to light that Jiminy is actually 35 year old classical violinist Natasha Ruminenko.

When reached by The Drone last night her parents told us that she is of classical music descent and was raised as a classicial musician. Her father Dmitri told us they are both very confused at her actions.

"She's our birth daughter and we're both of classical music descent. We're puzzled and we're very sad at what she has been doing. We never had any inclination she wanted to play Irish music. We don't understand."

"She doesn't even have any Irish heritage! She's part Ukrainian and part Latvian. We've no idea how she got into Irish music at all but when we saw the pictures of the old man playing the fiddle we knew that it was her."

Jiminy Billy-Bob, self-proclaimed 75 year old Donegal fiddle enthusiast, has been a spokesperson for the Donegal Fiddle Society and has taught on the BA in Irish music in the University of Limerick. On his bio it says that he grew up in Glen ColmCille and has fought for the civil rights of Donegal fiddlers.

It also says he has been the victim of 5 'documented session-hate crimes', mainly for being a Donegal fiddler. Supporters and other Donegal musicians have expressed their shock at the discovery with many saying they had no idea he was actually a 35 year old, female, classical violinist.

"We can't believe it really," Donegal fiddler Danny Diamond told The Drone, "He looked the part, had the missing teeth, the big glasses and a gimpy way of playing. Although he always seemed to have very smoothly shaven long legs. Guess that should have been a giveaway really..."

People say that Natasha discovered Irish music on YouTube and moved to Ireland in an effort to assimilate into the community and identifying as an 'oul lad' seemed to make logistical sense. When asked by The Drone if he/she is in fact a 75 year old oul lad who plays Donegal fiddle, he'she responded:

"I...don't understand...the question."


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