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The police have admitted their mistake after raiding a Dublin Folk Club thinking it was a meeting of ISIS members following a complaint from a member of the public.

It is thought the member of the public got spooked and rang police after witnessing a large number of bearded men entering a dingy looking establishment carrying large, black cases.

Police and armed tactical units were quickly on the scene following the call and upon their arrival discovered their mistake.

"At around 9 o'clock last night we received a call from a distressed member of the public informing us that ISIS had infiltrated Ireland and were meeting at an inner city, old man pub. The witness said they saw lots of bearded men entering the premises followed by strange chanting noises followed by cheering and clapping."

"We take these threats of terrorism very seriously so we made our way immediately to the scene. When we entered the premises we found the reports were true. There were old, bearded men everywhere with pictures of more bearded men on the walls. We believe these were pictures of their fallen ISIS comrades which convinced us they were up to no good."

But upon further investigation police discovered that the group was simply just a bunch of oul lads singing a few folk songs. After realising their mistake they arrested the men anyway for crimes against music and threatening to spread a folk music regime across the country.

The folk club members have expressed their outrage and claim that the arrests were arranged by a former member who was kicked out for singing 'Dirty Oul Town' one too many times.


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