Musicians all over the country are up in arms following Gerry Adams’ latest tweet regarding the film ‘The Boys and Girls from County Clare’.
Adams’ tweeted on Saturday night, ‘Watching The Boys and Girls from County Clare – A Ballymurphy musician!!’, drawing parallels between the struggles in the North and the struggles of the musicians to win the Ceili Band competition in the film.
However many traditional musicians are angry at such comparisons, maintaining that Adams has no idea of the difficulty musicians face when competing in such events. A Cult-Ass spokesperson told The Drone:
“Every musician has gone through the process of competing in a Ceili Band competition and knows of the hardships associated with it. For Gerry Adams to make light of this shows his irresponsibility.”
“I don’t know what it was like up in Ballymurphy but Gerry is wrong to use the word ‘musician’ in this case. These competitions were devastating and tore apart families. The film accuratey portrays this harrowing nature with the two brothers competing against each other…it makes for difficult viewing.”
This latets controversy comes not long after Adams’ tweeted the n-word to much derision causing him to rightfully backtrack on his comments. However Adams shows no signs of backing down with this latest tweet.
“I was merely comparing the two events. When Jimmy and John Joe McMahon went up against each other and the other bands, the hardship they endured reminded me of life in Ballymurphy during the Troubles. I also though finding out who was going to get into Andrea Corr’s pants particularly entertaining and memory inducing too.”